so powerful yet such helpless in battle against time!
Omnipotent Lord- cruel and kind, how precisely you plan! When the corporeal
frames drown in sin, feet slide from the right track- you implement your plan
to save them from drowning, from sliding..
agony of death more piercing, knifelike than this? Such severe excruciation was
giving the feel of death every second! Yet the soul didn't breathe the last,
yet survived, cause You pitied.
oozed your kindness in others and pervaded the death-stricken soul with their
care, affection and love.. You let the soul feel the feel to be fallen prey to
the decay of death. Yet you blessed with chance to recall you again in
soul, therefore invokes you-- "Our Lord! and grant us what Thou hast
promised us by Thy apostles; and disgrace us not on the day of resurrection;
surely Thou dost not fail to perform the promise"
e - Imran, 194
an extant soul
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