Tuesday, 25 October 2016

From my sister's diary 4

* Our demands are increasing rapidly. The more we get the more we want. Actually, the more day passes the faster we are getting materialistic. Once our demand gets fulfilled, we run after another. If one demand is fulfilled, three more come in front of us. In fact it's the very self of us that can't get satisfaction within it's territory. Fulfilling one after another we meet death with no savings for hereafter!

* Imagination leads us to a world of fantasy. There we can be happy but we can't get perennial happiness. After the exploration we are bound to land on the grim realistic world. Imagination is volatile that evaporates after a few lapse of moments but reality is as concrete as a wall.

* It's within our knowledge that we are going to do. But the things happen with us remain beyond our knowledge! sometimes beyond the imagination!! We expect something but it turns into ashes. That's mystery which we try to unfold, to pierce with our whole effort. Sometimes we succeed but sometimes the mystery gets intensified--- more and more and more...
And, Human minds expect always despite knowing that expectation may never see the morning. And here lies the mystery!

Monday, 10 October 2016

From my Sister's diary 3

* Day is not hour by hour; rather it's pain by pain. The more pain prolongs, the longer day stretches. These two are interwoven and at some point, at the end of the day man finds his life muddled in a maze. The more he tries to extricate himself from the maze, the faster he gets tangled in it. 
He never gets to know that his whole life has been spent in solving the puzzle…

* And yet the wings sometimes break terribly, and hope shatters too.Yet sometimes you need no one, no reason to be the impediment to stop you from dreaming, hoping! Sometimes it's the very self of your which put a bridle and force you get bored by hoping and hoping and hoping...
There nothingness holds the dominion..

* The part of life we live is very small. The part of life we remain viable is even smaller. Rest are time we only pursue being dead!! Dead as stone… After duration of time the corporeal frame falls prey to death...
A mere dot of this vast cosmos, waiting at the verge of life...

At Potenga Sea Beach