Tuesday, 24 May 2016

From my Sister's diary 1

Life itself is a great teacher, a wide platform where we learn at every moment. We learn from the different phases of the ups and downs of life, from the tumble, from the separation, from the togetherness and so on...

Life taught me and still now teaches a lot of things. Sometimes in sheer desperateness I plunge into utter pessimism. Sometimes my heart finds the outlet through the words of Estragon. The whole world comes to a standstill. Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes. It seems awful. It seems I'm stuck into deep quicksand. The more I try to stand up, the deeper I drown. I wander through the alleys of life to find its meaning. I bleed, I suffer in the thorn of life. I feel I'm smothered. I grope for a wee bit of green greenery to breathe lungs full of. I find no light, rather remain sunken in the dark abyss of pessimism..
Then few words awaken me with a sudden blow. Allah says in Quran not to despair from His mercy. No one except the kafirs despair from His mercy. These few words work as a resurgent power. I start to find the meaning of life in a newer way. I start to love life. I start to live life to be grateful to my Lord in whose hand remains my life's control. I learn, if one has Almighty Allaah with her, she needs nothing more in this short span of life. All the difficulties seem easier to overcome..
Therefore I say--
" Surely I've turned myself, being upright, wholly to Him Who originated the heavens and the earth, and I am not of the polytheists".---- Al Anaam, 79.

I believe in the decree of my Lord. I believe, when my dua remain unanswered, unfulfilled in the way I want, then there might some wrong in my prayer or there must be something better in Allaah's plan. Indeed Allaah is the best planner.