Monday, 30 June 2014

The Best Way to Start Ramadan : Seven Tips

Taken from

Ramadān Reinforcement: Part I
One question I get asked a lot is “What is the best way to start Ramadān?”
I thought about this for sometime, and here is my answer:
“The best way to start Ramadān is the way you ended it last year.”
Meaning: you should start Ramadān with the same passion, focus and commitment that you completed the last ten days of last year’s Ramadān. (If you didn’t end it well last year, stay tuned for another short reminder soon: “How to fix a broken Ramadān?”)

Do These Seven and Go to Heaven, Insha’allah (God willing)!
I know it sounds easy. But give it a try! Try having the same passion you had last year in the following areas today and see where it takes you tomorrow:

1. When you stand to pray, muster the passion you had a year ago as Ramadān came to a close. The concentration and taste of it should be in your heart, your body should be calm and your soul submerged in the light of prayer. The Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever prays and his/her soul does not disturb him/her during prayer, his/her sins are forgiven.”

2. When you make du`a’ (supplication), let it all out, give it to Allāh subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) now, feeling impoverished to him like you did last year at the end of Ramadān. The Prophet  said, “The supplications of a fasting person are accepted.”

3. Let the tears flow now. Dry lands can’t grow much and neither can dry hearts. A teacher once told me, “Tears come from fertile hearts like springs come from fertile soil.”
Sit alone with Allah (swt) and cry to Him, seek Him, beg Him and flee to Him. “You will find him forgiving, merciful.”

4. When you remember Allah (swt), do so with the same focus you did last year. Know that “Remember Me and I will remember you” is happening every time His blessed names flow from your heart and speech, and that wherever you remember Him (work, home, mosque, school, alone or in a group), He mentions you in front of the angels, says your name and they seek blessings and forgiveness for you, as is mentioned in the Qur’an, “Forgive those who believe, follow your path and save them from Hell.”

5. Taste the sweetness of the Hereafter, knowing the bitter taste of this life. Recall how your heart felt the last 10 days; there was nothing more valuable to you then drawing nearer to Him and farther from excess here. Muster that passion now. Become a stranger in this life or a traveler because this is not your permeant abode!
In the Qur’an, Allah (swt) addresses Adam and his wife saying, “You two get out of here (Paradise).” In other places He says, “You (all) get out of here.”
My teacher said, “‘You (all)’ is all of us, Adam and his progeny. We were evicted from our real home and soon, God willing we will return to it if we lived good lives for Allah. This world is not it. Paradise awaits.”

6. Guard your time now like you did last year. Ibn al-Qayyim said, “I know people more cautious with their time than bankers are with money.”

7. Guard your tongue and your character now like you did the last ten days a year ago! Recall the statement of our Prophet  regarding a person who fails to look after the outer aspects of fasting,  “Allah will say, ‘I have no need that you left your food and drink.’”

Gain Infinite Openings
If you start this now, this struggle, God promises you openings and growth. He says, “Those who struggle in our way, we will guide them to infinite ways.”

High Intensity Taqarrub
What you are doing when you take on Ramadān like this is intense taqarrub (seeking nearness to Allah, distance from sins and Satan).
The Prophet  said that Allah (swt) said, “A person does not come to me a hands length, except I come to him/her an arm’s length. If he/she comes to me walking, I run to him/her.”
If you take this bull by the horns and start this month off with the same passion from a year ago, you are the person mentioned in the hadith (narration) above, insha’allah.

Illuminated Endings are Rooted in Illuminated Beginnings
Remember! How you start now tells a lot about last year and this year. Push yourself, asking God to dilate your heart and soul, filling it with guidance and light.
Sheikh al-Islām, Ahmed Zarūq radi allahu `anhu (may God have mercy on him) said:
من كانت بالله بدايته, كانت إليه نهايته
“Who’s beginning was with Allah, then his ending is to Allah.”

I Need Your Help
Finally, I really need you to like the Ella Collins Institute page. It is an institution that we are putting our blood and sweat into and we need your help by spreading the word and inviting us to your hood to teach. ECI not only seeks to teach, but to partner with local organizations like Carefugees and Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) to create powerful programing that combines education, activism and spirituality, three cores held by the woman our institution is named after.

Wishing you a blessed Ramadān

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Words to Consider

Consider, may Allah (swt) have mercy on you, the admonition and the lesson contained in what Ibn Abee Haatim ar-Razee narrates, he said : I entered into Damascus upon the students of hadith and i passed by the circle of Qaasim al-Joo'ee. I found a group sitting around him and he was speaking. Their appearence amazed me and I heard him saying :

'Seize the benefit of five things from the people of your time:
- When you are present you are not known;
- When you are absent you are not missed;
- When you are seen your advice is not sought;
- When you say something your saying is not accepted; and
- When you have knowledge you are not given anything for it.

I also advise you with five things :
- When you are treated unjustly then do not behave unjustly;
- When you are praised then do not become happy;
- When you are criticised do not be upset;
- When you are not believed then do not become angry;
- And if they act deceitfully towards you do not deceitfully towards them.'

Ibn Abee Haatim said : So i took that as my benefit from Damascus.
The reason to why i posted this is because of the hidden words, yet the most important ones we need to understand: when you are criticised do not be upset. I only wish to say this due to my concern for you, please if anyone criticise you, regardless of how- may it be in a really harsh manner, or in areally beautiful one- take the advice, ponder about it, accept it and then act upon it. A women entered Jahannam (Hell) because of a cat she was careless about , so pay heed  to the golden raindrops you are blessed with. And do not be blinded by the manners of people. Even the ugliest people in behavior are indeed a rahmah (blessing) for you when they criticize you.

May Allah subhanah guide us all.

Collected from the magazine
Benefits of the Day, issue 1